Insight Mobile Ltd 应用

IEHF 2014 1.0.7
The Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors(IEHF) is the world’s longest established professional organisationfor EHF, promoting ergonomics, HF & UX.The Ergonomics and Human Factors 2014 conference is aprestigious event consisting of a range of lectures, presentations,workshops and debates, covering a wide range of fundamental ideasand research. The event is taking place from 7th – 10th April 2014in Southampton.The app is designed to provide a hand-held guide to the Ergonomicsand Human Factors 2014 conference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
Expo 2015 1.2
Expo 15 is the main event in the health andcare calendar. Returning to Manchester and hosted once again by NHSEngland it will unite 5000 people a day from health and care, thevoluntary sector, local government, and industry. Everyone at Expois a change agent: keen to network, learn and share the ideas andinnovations that will transform health and care services, now andfor future generations.With the most influential and inspiring speakers on two stages,a pop-up university offering more than 100 workshops, the uniqueExpo feature zones, the unconference-space Camp Expo and a livelyand relevant exhibition, Expo will ignite in everyone the desire tomake a difference to the way they work. It will be a turning-pointin many people’s professional lives.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to theevent.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us or call us on +44 (0)1273 803100
ATM 2015 1.0.5
The Association of Teachers of Mathematics isholding their Easter conference from 30 March – 2 April 2015 atStaverton Park Conference Centre, Deventry. The conference is theannual highlight of ATM’s programme of professional developmentevents.The conference offers members an invaluable opportunity toexplore new ideas and make social and professional connections in astimulating and challenging environment that encouragesface-to-face sharing and learning.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to theconference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developing anapp for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
NHF Finance 1.0
The Housing Finance Conference and Exhibitionis the only event you need to attend if you’re a financialprofessional in social housing sector.Join over 1,100 colleagues for topical debates, to share bestpractice and develop new ideas to take back to the office andfuture proof your organization. We’ve got more content than overthis year with top speakers from across the sector.Plus attend the largest housing finance exhibition in the UKwith the latest products and meet people who can make a realdifference to your conference.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to theconference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
Factory 2050 1.0.1
The international conference about Factory2050 - the world’s first totally reconfigurable factory and soon tobe the AMRC Integrated Manufacturing Group’s new home. Held at theKnowledge Transfer Centre, AMRC with Boeing, Rotherham, UK.The programme will include presentations from academics andindustrial end users, exhibitions and demonstrations, as well asnetworking opportunities.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to theconference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
ASME SM 2015 1.0
The ASME Annual Scientific Meeting encompassesthe continuum of education, from undergraduate through postgraduateand continuing medical education. The conference will include theusual excellent opportunities for delegates to discuss innovationsin medical/healthcare education.The conference is taking place on 15th-17th July at the BTMurrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to theconference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803000
NHF Annual Conference 2015 1.1
The National Housing Federation's AnnualConference and Social Housing Exhibition is taking place on 23-25September 2015 at the ICC in Birmingham.In the wake of a General Election outcome and before thegovernment makes its spending commitments, the Annual Conferenceand Housing Exhibition 2015 comes at a critical time. The programmeis packed with innovative thinking, fresh perspectives and greatideas.The app provides delegates with a hand held guide to the event,it features the full programme and exhibition guide, withnetworking functionality, floor plans, access to presentations andother documents and a note taking feature.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803000
CIMA London Lecturers’ Conf 1.0.2
This app is designed to provide a hand-heldguide to the CIMA Lecturers’ conference series which will be takingplace in London, Colombo and Kuala Lumpur in 2014. The app willallow the delegates to create personalised agendas, view materialsfor the conferences, create notes on the meeting, use key padvoting and provide feedback on the sessions.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan iPhone App for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
CIMA Colombo Lecturers’ Conf 1.0.3
This app is designed to provide a hand-heldguide to the CIMA Lecturers’ conference series which will be takingplace in London, Colombo and Kuala Lumpur in 2014. The app willallow the delegates to create personalised agendas, view materialsfor the conferences, create notes on the meeting, use key padvoting and provide feedback on the sessions.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developing anApp for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
CIMA Kuala Lumpur Conference 1.1.1
This app is designed to provide a hand-heldguide to the CIMA Lecturers’ conference series which will be takingplace in London, Colombo and Kuala Lumpur in 2014. The app willallow the delegates to create personalised agendas, view materialsfor the conferences, create notes on the meeting, use key padvoting and provide feedback on the sessions.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan App for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
IOT 2015 1.3
IoT Acceleration Executive Conference istaking place 22 - 23 September in Stockholm, Sweden.This conference is reserved for the Executives of our Intel®Authorized Distributors and Intel® Approved Suppliers and will bestructured to provide incremental business value both to you andyour organization. The key imperative of this year’s event is tofocus on accelerating IoT business and new channels to market. Welook forward to seeing you at the event!The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to theevent.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803100
NHFIT14 1.0.4
The National Housing Federation IT in HousingNorth and South events are taking place in November 2014. This isthe largest, longest-running and most highly regarded IT conferenceand exhibition in the housing sector. This year the IT in Housingevent is bigger and better than ever with an interactive conferenceand exhibition in both London and Manchester. Join us to hear newinitiatives, share ideas and progress in a faster moving digitalworld.The app is designed to provide delegates with a hand held guide toboth the National Housing Federation IT North and South events.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developing anapp for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
Petroleum Group Conference 1.0.1
The Petroleum Group is the GeologicalSociety’s specialist group dedicated to petroleum exploration andproduction. They advance the study and understanding ofpetroleum geology through conferences, workshops and publications.The app is designed to provide a hand-held guide to thePetroleum Geoscience of the West Africa Margin Conference; theconference is taking place from 31st March – 2nd April 2014.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
DevStation™ 15 1.0
DevStation™15 / The PlayStation developer’sconference is taking place from May 13th – May 14th 2015. The appis designed to provide delegates with a hand held guide to theevent. The app includes a detailed agenda, speaker questioningfunctionality, a note taking feature and provides information aboutspeakers and exhibitors.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
UKDC 2014 1.0.3
The UK Dementia Conference is taking placefrom the 10th-12th November 2014 at the Hilton Brighton Metropole.The 9th UK Dementia Congress offers an exciting mix of plenarysessions, parallel sessions, workshops, symposia and posters aswell as early bird special interest sessions.The app is designed to provide delegates with a hand held guideto the UK Dementia Congress.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
Vision UK 2015 1.2
The seventh annual Vision UK conference willbe held on Thursday 18 June 2015 at Central Hall Westminster inLondon. Titled ‘Working together to deliver the UK VisionStrategy’, Vision UK will feature a brand-new format, withdelegates able to choose from one of five conference streams,focused on delivering aspects of the UK Vision Strategy.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to theconference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803100
MMC 2015 1.1
As from 2015, the Microscience conferenceseries is switching to a new biennial slot in the microscopycalendar, and will unite with the well-established EMAG conferenceseries hosted by the Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group of theInstitute of Physics. This move brings together the two premierevents on the UK microscopy calendar under the banner ofmmc2015.The conference expands from the four parallel sessions of mmc2014to six, and will feature the best from both worlds in themicroscopical sense – from the life and physical sciences, and fromlight and electron microscopy.The Conference will run side-by-side with Europe’s largestexhibition of microscopy and imaging equipment, with one hundredcompanies demonstrating the widest range of equipment andconsumables.If this isn't enough, the event is also packed with featuressuch as training opportunities, workshops, competitions and socialevent. The event is taking place on 29th June – 2nd July 2015 inManchester.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to theconference and offer them a wide range of features to enhance theconference experience.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
LOEM Summit 1.3
Intel is proud to host the LOEM Summit 2015,the premier matchmaking event for our top partners, located at theGrand Hyatt in beautiful Shenzhen, China.LOEM Summit brings together nearly two hundred ODMs (OriginalDesign Manufacturers), Local OEMs, and System Integrators for 2½days of scheduled matchmaking meetings, networking time and eveningentertainment.Attendees also have access to Intel executives and productexperts, who are on-site for networking and sharing informationabout our channel strategies, key technologies and marketopportunities.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803000
CE100 2.0.1
The Circular Economy 100 is a global platformbringing together leading companies, emerging innovators andregions to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.The CE100 app will allow members to access relevant librarydocuments, browse through a list of other members andorganisations, view information about upcoming events and news.The app also includes individual event apps for each of theCE100 events which will allow members to network with each otherand view all of the relevant conference and programmeinformation.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
BSI Events 1.1
The British Standards Institute is one of theworld’s leading organizations dedicated to raising standards, werun a variety of events, designed to deepen awareness of standardsand get interested parties together to discuss how we can push theboundaries forward. Our events include conferences, seminars,workshops, masterclasses, forums, product launches, exhibitions andtrade shows. Some of our events are free to attend too.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to the BSIevents.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803000
IOP Conferences 2.1
The Institute of Physics (IOP) conferencesdepartment provides a professional events-management service to theIOP groups and supports bids to bring international physics eventsto the UK. The Institute of Physics is a leading scientific societywith a worldwide membership of more than 50,000, working togetherto advance physics education, research and application.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to each ofIOP’s events and offer them a wide range of features to enhance theconference experience.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developing anapp for your business please email us at call us on +44 (0)1273 803133
BIR Annual Congress 2015 1.0
The British Institute of Radiology is holdingtheir 2015 Annual Congress at 30 Euston Square, London on 4th - 5thNovember.Divided into two parallel sessions over 2 days, topics includeradiation protection issues in molecular imaging and radiotherapy,clinical hybrid imaging in oncology, primers for thenon-specialist, emergency radiology—advances in trauma imaging andessentials for the radiology trainee.Our Annual Congress provides an open and relaxed environment fordelegates to share and exchange ideas and experiences, visit ourindustry exhibition, showcase their research via our interactivee-poster sessions, and network both during the day and at ourevening networking events.The app provides delegates with a handheld guide to the event,including functionality that will allow delegates to network andaccess all the information about the congress.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803100
BSI 2014 1.0.1
The BSI Annual Congress 2014 is taking placein Brighton on 1-4 December 2014. The Annual Congress is afantastic opportunity for Immunologists from the UK and around theworld to come together. It is a place to learn the latestscientific developments in Immunology, to chat face-to-face withboth prominent and budding Immunologists, to meet former studentsand colleagues, catch up with friends, and much more. We have asuperb line up of international and UK speakers, with talksspanning the length and breadth of Immunology and its relateddisciplines.The app is designed to provide delegates with a hand held guideto the BSI Annual Congress.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
Acoustics 2015 1.1
The Acoustics 2015 conference is taking placeon Thursday 15th October at the Harrogate International Centre.The Institute of Acoustics are the UK's professional body forthose working in Acoustics, Noise and Vibration.The conference programme has contributions from specialistgroups including, Building Acoustics, Environmental Noise, MusicalAcoustics, Physical Acoustics plus special sessions on Windfarm andAM, Cross Laminated Timber(CLT) and a session from the YoungMembers Group.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to theevent.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803100
RCPsych Congress 2014 1.0.2
New RCPsych International Congress App is nowavailable for download. The app contains all the information youneed to navigate your way around this year’s Congress.Use the ‘My Agenda’ function to plan each day by selecting eachsession you wish to attend. You can view biographies for each ofthe speakers and brief descriptions of each lecture to help youmake your choice. You can also make notes and leave feedback foreach session you attend. As well as the programme, details of alladditional meetings and social events are listed plus floor plansof the conference centre and a full exhibition guide.You will also be able to access the posters from the congresswithin the app. The app will also allow you to take part in votingin certain sessions that you will not be able to take part inwithout it. The app will be updated throughout the congress soplease check it regularly for all the latest programme updates.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
Inspiring Leadership 2014 1.0.1
The Inspiring Leadership Conference 2014 willbe an exciting and dynamic programme of sessions, masterclasses,workshops and seminars.The conference is being organised by CfBT Education Trust, ledby chief executive Steve Munby, ASCL and the NAHT who are workingtogether to support the development of a truly engaging, relevantand valuable experience.The app is designed to provide delegates with a hand held guideto the conference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
BIOS Conference 1.0
The British and Irish Orthoptic Society’sScientific Conference 2015 is taking place in Birmingham on 9 – 10July 2015.The conference will cover themes such as promoting theprofession in the new NHS, myopia & refractive errors,informatics, apps and orthodontic coding, extended role of theorthoptist/neuro-orthoptics.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to theconference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developing anapp for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
Lib Dem Conf 8.7
Liberal Democrat's Conferences
CEM 2014 1.0
The College of Emergency Medicine AnnualScientific Conference 2014 is being held in September at ExeterUniversity.The central theme is “Achieving Clinical Excellence” focussingon core aspects of Emergency Medicine and the delivery of a highquality service from a clinical and managerial perspective in theface of today’s challenges. The programme will combine both cuttingedge shop floor science and current political debate anddiscussion; drawing together some of the best speakers regionally,nationally and internationally.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to theconference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
Civil Service Live 1.2
Civil Service Live is a series of learningevents delivered through a partnership between Cabinet Office andDods. These interactive, practical and fun events will bringtogether civil servants working in government departments andagencies, and private sector organisations to learn, network andcollaborate, sharing ideas to help make best practice the norm.Across all regions there will be the opportunity to hear fromsome fantastic, inspirational speakers, attend interactiveworkshops and network with colleagues old and new. Civil servantsacross departments will showcase and share exemplary practice andthose attending will leave inspired to do things differently.As Civil Service Live will be a learning opportunity attendancecounts towards one of the ‘five a year’ learning days for civilservants.The app will provide attendees with a hand held guide to theCivil Service Live events and offer a wide range of features toenhance the event experience.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
DP 2015 1.0
Dublin Pathology 2015 is the 8th Joint Meetingof the British Division of the International Academy of Pathologyand the Pathological Society of Great Britain & IrelandThe conference is taking place on 23 – 25 June 2015 at theDoubletree in Dublin.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide to theconference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
COUP 2015 1.0.1
The Conference On University Purchasing (COUP)is 2015’s premier event for anyone who works within procurement inthe UK Higher Education sector. This year’s theme of ‘LinkingTheory to Practice in Purchasing’ will provide valuable insights onthe sector’s most relevant and challenging issues.COUP’s programme is suitable for any university or college staffmember who has an interest in procurement; from heads ofprocurement, category managers and buyers to staff based outsidethe procurement department such as technicians, business managersor academics.The app will provide members with a hand held guide to theconference and offer them a wide range of features to enhance theconference experience.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developingan app for your business please email us at orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803133
Audit Quality Forum 1.3
The Audit Quality Forum is taking place on12thNovember 2015 in London.Can business ever achieve the right culture? This debateanddiscussion, featuring comedian and commentator Mark Steel, aimstofind out how to help business get it right. This debate is afollowup to the Audit Quality Forum 10th anniversary event in Marchofthis year, and sets the agenda for how the Audit Quality Forumwillhelp business get their culture right by gatheringpracticalinsights from the audience.The app includes interactive functionality to allow attendeestotake part in live questions and voting. The app will alsoincludeimportant information about the event.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us aboutdevelopingan app for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803133
Migration 2013 1.0
This app is designed to support and provideahand-held guide to Migration 2013 the 14th InternationalConferenceon the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides andFissionProducts in the Geosphere. This is taking place at theBrightonCentre from September 8th -13th 2013.The Migration conferences provide an international forum forthetimely exchange of scientific information onchemicalprocesses controlling the migration behaviour of actinidesandfission products in natural aquifer systems.Experimentalinvestigations and predictive modelling of theseprocesses are themain topics of the conferences. The informationgenerated from theMigration conferences is the basis for themechanisticunderstanding of the migration behaviour oflong-livedradionuclides in the geosphere, which is essentialfor thelong-term performance assessment of nuclear wastedisposal.This app was developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact usaboutdeveloping an iPhone App for your conference or business,pleaseemail us at us on +44 (0)1273 803000 or see further
ESN 2015 1.0.3
The 23rd European Social Services Conferenceistaking place on July 6 – 8 2015 and is organised by theEuropeanSocial Network (ESN) with cooperation with the GovernmentofPortugal.The Lisbon 2015 event will focus on building socialservicepartnerships for people with care, health, educational,housing andemployment needs. The Lisbon conference will explore theevidenceand experiences in service and sector partnership and whatthismeans for people’s lives, service efficiency, and the impactonsocial welfare landscape for the future. The conferencewillpresent a series of enlightening workshops and speakers.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide totheconference and offer them a wide range of features to enhancetheconference experience. The app is available in sixlanguages:English, Spanish, French, German, Italian andPortuguese.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us aboutdevelopingan app for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803000
NHF Annual 1.0.1
The National Housing Federation’sAnnualConference and Social Housing Exhibition 2014 is taking placeon17th – 19th September 2014 at the ICC in Birmingham. This istheUK’s leading conference and exhibition for housing associations.The Annual Conference and Social Housing Exhibition 2014 isaplatform for some of the most exciting discussions and debatesthatare impacting and shaping the sector.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide totheconference and offer them a wide range of features to enhancetheconference experience.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us aboutdevelopingan app for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803133
London Calling 2015 1.2
Oxford Nanopore are holding the LondonCallingevent on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th May at Altitude,London.London Calling is designed for those interested innanoporesensing. Participants in the MinION Access Programme (MAP)willshare their experiences and attendees will be able to learnmoreabout the future of this technology and its applications. Youdo nohave to be a participant on the MAP to attend thisconference.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide totheconference, it will allow them to view all of therelevantinformation about the programme and speakers and alsofacilitatenetworking.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us aboutdevelopingan app for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803133
DevStation 1.1
DevStation™14/ The PlayStation 4DevelopersConference is taking place from June 30th – July 1st. Theapp isdesigned to provide delegates with a hand held guide to theevent.The app includes the ability to create personalised agendas,askspeakers questions, exchange business cards, complete surveys,takenotes on conference sessions and provide information aboutspeakersand exhibitors.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us aboutdevelopingan app for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803133
Scientific Laboratory Show 1.0
The Scientific Laboratory Show andConferenceis taking place on 25th May 2016 at the East MidlandsConferenceCentre.Scientific Laboratory Supplies Ltd with Key SupplyPartnersEppendorf, Corning and Thermo Scientific proudly presentthe 2016Scientific Laboratory show with Scientific Conferencecontentproduced by The Science Council.An exciting occasion of real scientific value now establishedasan integral part of the UK scientific calendar attractingdelegatesfrom over 20 countries.An opportunity to see and discuss the latest productsanddevelopments from over 60 of the world’s leading manufacturersoflaboratory products all under one roof.The app provides delegates with a handheld guide to theevent,including functionality that will allow delegates to networkandaccess all the information about the conference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us aboutdevelopingan app for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803100
AoC 2014 1.0.5
The Association of Colleges AnnualConferenceand Exhibition 2014 is taking place from 18th-20thNovember 2014 atthe ICC in Birmingham. The AoC Annual Conferenceand Exhibitionbrings together the further education sector underone roof tolearn, develop, influence, exchange information andnetwork. Thehighlight of AoC’s events calendar, the conferencecombines keynotespeakers, plenary sessions and breakout sessions toinform andstimulate debate.The app is designed to provide delegates with a hand heldguideto the AoC Annual Conference and Exhibition 2014.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us aboutdevelopingan app for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803133
AoC 2015 1.0
The Association of Colleges AnnualConferenceand Exhibition 2015 is taking place from 17th - 19thNovember 2015at the ICC in Birmingham. The AoC Annual Conferenceand Exhibitionbrings together the further education sector underone roof tolearn, develop, influence, exchange information andnetwork. Thehighlight of AoC’s events calendar, the conferencecombines keynotespeakers, plenary sessions and breakout sessions toinform andstimulate debate.As a sector, AoC are facing unprecedented change. Theirchallengeis to ensure colleges remain at the heart of thecommunity and theeconomy, and continue to educate our students –what they learntoday powers the economy of tomorrow.The app is designed to provide delegates with a hand heldguideto the AoC Annual Conference and Exhibition 2015.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us aboutdevelopingan app for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803133
SDW2016 1.2
The cutting-edge SDW conferenceprogrammebrings together leading experts from government andindustry todiscuss the full spectrum of identity issues affectinggovernment –from secure document design and counter fraud trends,to the latestin mobile and digital ID programs.The app is designed to provide delegates with a hand heldguideto the SDW 2016 Conference. The app includes a variety offeaturessuch as personalised agendas and networking functionalityandaccess to the full programme, speaker profiles andexhibitordetails.Developed by Insight Mobile LTD. To contact us aboutdevelopingan app for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803133
SDW 2015 1.1
SDW 2015 is the 'number one'internationalevent for technology suppliers, security documentprinters,infrastructure providers and integrators in thefast-movingsecurity document market place.The event is taking place on 9-11 June 2015 at theQueenElizabeth II Conference Centre, London.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide totheconference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us aboutdevelopingan app for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803133
NUT Conference 2.6
This app is for the NUT Conference. It willprovide delegates with a hand held guide to the event. The app willinclude the full conference information including the agenda andspeakers, it will also allow delegates to network with each other,make notes, access documents and floor plans and givefeedback.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developing anapp for your business please email us at call us on +44 (0)1273 803100
HRC 2015 1.1
HRC 2015 will take place at theInternationalConvention Centre (ICC) in Birmingham UK on 4-7October 2015, its10th anniversary.The Heart Rhythm Congress is the largest heart rhythm eventinthe UK, HRC provides unrivalled opportunity for healthcareprofessionals interested in the management of arrhythmias toshareeffective practice, show case innovation, learn aboutlatestdevelopments and network with UK & internationaldelegates.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide totheconference and offer them a wide range of features to enhancetheconference experience. The app will include a comprehensiveamountof information regarding the congress, including a fulleventprogramme, speaker information, sponsor listing andexhibitorprofiles. The app will also include personal agendas, fullsocialmedia integration and event feedback form.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developinganapp for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803133
London Town Hall Hotel 1.6.1
The London Town Hall Hotel andApartmentsapplication offers exclusive information and benefits totouristslooking for a design hotel to stay in, in centralLondon.The information includes extensive information about the hotelandapartments. Information on Viajante Restaurant and Bar.Interiorphotos and exclusive special offers. It also provides a GPSguidefor guests, which includes recommendations on things to do, aswellas other useful information to help our guests enjoy theirstaywith us.This App has been developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. Pleasecontactus today on out more about having an App developed for yourbusiness.
BSH ASM 2015 1.0
The British Society for Haematology’s55thAnnual Scientific Meeting is taking place from 20th – 22ndApril2015 at the EICC in Edinburgh.The Annual Scientific Meeting remains a critical corecomponentof the Society. Today the work of the Society is morerelevant thanever - both in the laboratory and clinical setting.Our annualmeeting is an important gathering of the haematologycommunity andan outstanding opportunity to network withmultidisciplinarycolleagues. The meeting provides us with guidanceon changingclinical and laboratory practice and a comprehensiveupdate onadvances in haematology.The app will provide delegates with a hand held guide totheconference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developinganapp for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803133
NCRI 2015 1.1
The NCRI Cancer Conference 2015 is takingplacefrom 1st - 4th November 2015 at The BT Convention CentreinLiverpool.The NCRI Cancer Conference showcases the latestbasic,translational and clinical cancer research. It bringsresearcherstogether to share ideas and develop collaborations.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us aboutdevelopingan app for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803000
Brighton & Hove Guide 1.9.3
The Insight Mobile Android Guide toBrightonand Hove features a complete and up to date guide of allthe bestplaces to eat, drink, sleep and things to do in Brightonand Hoveand the immediate surrounding areas.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us abouteitherappearing in this guide or about developing an iPhone orAndroidApp for your business please email us at us on +44 (0)1273 803133
IAPA EMEA Conference 2016 1.2
The IAPA Europe, Middle East, AfricaConference(EMEA) is taking place on 3-5 June 2016 in Vienna,Austria.The app will provide attendees with a hand held guide totheevent. There is functionality included which allows attendeestonetwork with each other, access their personalised agenda, viewafull list of delegate and firm profiles and take partininteractive elements of the event.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us aboutdevelopingan app for your business please email or call us on +44 (0)1273 803133